Didn't See a Whaleshark? Get a repeat tour free!
You’ll find you enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures that you see.
Mastering your Buoyancy is one of the most important achievements you will make in your diving career.
How many times have you surfaced away from the boat or shore exit point and then had a long swim ahead of you?
Be recognized as one of the elite dive educators – PADI Master Instructor. PADI Master Instructors embody the essence of a true dive professional having demonstrated a thorough understanding of the PADI System of diver education, and put it into practice by training 150 or more PADI Divers.
No, not naked diving!! Exploring the underwater ecosystem, understanding the ecology and the inter-relationships between species.
eople learn to dive just so they can see cool things and have great experiences underwater.
The PADI IDC Staff Instructor course is designed to provide PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainers with the additional training necessary to staff PADI Instructor Development programs.
PADI Course Directors are instructor trainers who conduct PADI Instructor Development Courses (IDC) and other instructor-level training. PADI Course Directors hold the highest and most respected professional rating in recreational scuba diving.